

2023 Viowiess Co Student Internships

Viowiess Co is hosting 3-5 internships in 2023 for young adults wishing to gain experience in additive manufacturing, product design, and entrepreneurship. Participants will receive a boat-load of practical experience on how to turn any problem into an opportunity, a letter of recommendation, and an invitation/coaching on how to start their own business or side hustle.

The 2023 Internship will focus on the engineering and construction of a shipping container home situated at 1114 E Main St.

What’s expected of interns:

  • Minimum (1) 8-hour work day per week, 3 month commitment, during summer vacation months. Interns may choose to add additional days up to a maximum of 5 days depending on their schedule and other personal development goals.

  • Lift up to 30 pounds

  • Using your brain continuously

  • Willingness to work on a team where all individuals are treated as peers.

Things you will learn:

  • 3D printing

  • Splicing

  • Post-Processing

  • CAD

  • Carpentry

  • Metal cutting

  • Critical thinking and problem solving

Perks of interning:

  • Access to Viowiess Co’s manufacturing space, materials, and machinery for your own side project(s)

  • Good food

  • Gaming and field trips

How to Apply:

  • Write a 1 page project proposal describing something cool you want to do at Viowiess

  • Email your project proposal plus your desired summer internship schedule, start, and end date.